Happy Friday

Happy Friday!  Sometimes it it nice to celebrate the little things at the end of the week!

1. Spring appears to FINALLY made an appearance.  It is not exactly warm enough for flip flops and tee shirts, but most of the snow has melted.  Yep, only “most” of it.  Still no crocus yet, but I am thinking that maybe something dug them up and ate the bulbs.


2. We have finally begun remodeling the kitchen.  This has been an incredibly slow process.  We started packing up things on the wall and extra glasses and such a YEAR ago.  Mostly demo right now, but I hoping that we will gain some momentum.

This is what tearing down 60 year old paneling looks like!

3. I am really working on being patient with my children. And it is making a difference.  I had one day last week when I had some extra time in the morning before we had to leave so I was much more relaxed.  What a huge difference that made and I was still able to get them to daycare at a reasonable time.


4. Spring also means we can really play outside.  There was still a good deal of ice, snow and mud around the yard and swing set until last weekend.  Daddy had been taking them to the playground at the school when he gets them in the afternoon.

Swinging in winter coats!

Swinging in winter coats!

5. I am buying SUNDRESSES!  Only two so far….  My husband has suggested I take a break from Kohl’s for little while… I have them hanging up around our bedroom just waiting for a chance to wear them!

Sundresses on a FridayFound both at Kohl’s! Pink dress here and floral dress here!

Have a great weekend!!
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2 thoughts on “Happy Friday

  1. I love those glimpses of spring!

    I work daily on having more patience with my children. It means I need to pave the way by allowing myself more time to work with them and interact with them. It means I have to be dressed and ready well before them.

    Great things happening in your neck of the woods. Happy Friday indeed.

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