Raspberry Picking

In summers past, my friend Sheri has sold raspberries she picks from her garden at the end of her driveway.  This year she was unable to pick and I was worried that they would go to waste – or eaten by birds!  So we asked if we could come on over and turn her backyard into a “pick your own” raspberry patch! Her lovely husband John was kind enough to grab my camera and snap some pictures of us raspberry picking.

Raspberriy picking

Truth be told, I had been craving those sweet berries all winter long and Sheri’s are way better than the grocery store.  Last year, I threw them in a big bowl of watermelon and the sweet and sour fruits were just perfect!  I also threw them in a big pitcher of lemonade and they looked adorable!

This year, I am pretty much eating them straight from the bowl, with once exception… I have attempted to make my own fruit snacks – you know the little packages of jelly candy that Connor adores.  Stay turned! So far the results are mixed, but I have hope that Connor will be open to fruit that isn’t shaped like Lightening McQueen!